Career Navigation

Get help with your job search!

Connect with a career navigator from the American Job Center to get help in your job search! Use our library’s computers with the navigator’s support to explore available programs, uncover exciting job opportunities, register for CTHires, and complete the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) pre-application to help individuals with barriers to employment obtain high quality jobs and careers.

Our career navigator is typically located at one of the center table in the Adult Department.

Sponsored by American Job Center.



Our career navigator is available on the first Wednesday of the month, between 2:00 pm and 5:00 pm. No registration necessary!

Holidays may effect the schedule, so make sure to check the calendar or give us a call!


Upcoming Schedule

Click on an event to see more information.

Career Navigation

Career Navigation

Wednesday, October 2
2:00 pm to 5:00 pm
Get help in your job search with American Job Center!