February Newsletter

This month: Kindness month, art exhibits, and a new social worker.

February 1, 2020


Ahh…only 49 days (as I write this) until spring – my favorite season. However, February has its bright spots too. World Nutella Day is February 5, and National Pizza Day is February 9! But during this time of divisiveness and unrest, let us concentrate on Random Acts of Kindness Day on February 17.

The only real custom associated with Random Acts of Kindness Day is to do something good for someone else. This could be donating your used clothing, helping a friend find a job, pay someone’s parking meter for them, collect canned food for food banks and other charitable organizations, or just compliment a random person. Every little bit of kindness helps to make the world a better place.

Art Exhibits

We have upgraded our hanging wire track system in the Delaney Meeting Room and are eager to begin exhibiting 2-dimensional works of art by local artists. Interested in displaying your artwork in the library? Click here for more information.

Social Worker

Our Community Liaison/Social Worker, Tara Skiparis, is available to talk to those seeking help on Thursdays from 10:00 am – 2:00 pm. Her schedule has gotten busier, so please feel free to make an appointment by calling the reference desk at 860-828-7126. Channel 30 will be doing a story on our social worker project, and it will air sometime in February. We’ll send out more details as we get them.

Have a great month!

Helen Malinka, Library Director
Helen Malinka
Library Director


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