In addition to the many parenting books and resources available in the library, we hope you will find these links to be helpful. Please don’t hesitate to stop by or call the children’s department to find out more about our resources for parents and teachers.
Connecticut Birth to Three
Children have a lot to learn in the first three years. Birth to Three supports families when they have concerns about their children’s development
Connecticut Homeschool Network, Inc.
A comprehensive website for people who are contemplating homeschooling
Everything Preschool
Practical, theme-oriented sites with hands-on ideas for parents, preschool providers and teachers.
Helping Children Cope After a Traumatic Event
Tips for helping children cope after a disaster or traumatic event from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration.
Kids Health
Health information for kids, teens and parents
Licensed Daycare Facilities in Connecticut
Search by town, age, and program type.
Stop Cyberbulling
A good description of cyberbullying and ways to work with your child on this important subject.
Zero to Three: The National Center for Infants, Toddlers and Families
This is a must for all parents and caregivers of children three and under.