October Newsletter
Let us know how the library can better serve the community—plus a horror story contest and a TON of events!
October 2, 2023
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Library Director’s Message
Ahhh…the rustle of leaves in the air reminds me of my favorite poem by Robert Frost titled Nothing Gold Can Stay. As you can tell by the title, the poem is a reference to the changing of seasons, and I love how it illustrates the evolution of a leaf from green to gold. Libraries evolve and change, too, as I’m sure you have experienced during the last few years. Thankfully, we don’t completely disappear and come back every year as leaves do. But we have had to get creative in the past to continue library services specifically in the midst of a pandemic. We move forward as we always do, and I’m excited to share that we are spending the month of October gathering information from you, our patrons, on the programs, services, and ideas you have for your library. Your input is vital, and I hope you will consider participating.
The Berlin-Peck Memorial Library leadership is seeking community input from October 10-30, 2023 to develop a three-year strategic plan for library services. All information will be kept confidential. Community members can participate in one of three ways:
- Complete a short survey by October 30, online or at the Berlin-Peck Memorial Library.
- Attend a 90-minute community conversation session on Thursday, October 12 at 6:30 pm OR Saturday October 14, 10:30 am.
- Stop by Berlin Town Hall or the Berlin Peck Memorial Library and share your idea on our idea wall.
This is your opportunity to think big about what the library can do for our community. All ideas will be considered, even if we may be limited in what we can implement over the next three years. We invite you to look into the future and imagine what Berlin-Peck Library could be. Libraries are so much more than books, and we are excited to hear your hopes and dreams for your community and your library! Please send me an email at kmcnally@berlinpeck.org or give me a call at 860-828-7131 if you have any questions about this process. And I hope you have a moment this month to step outside and enjoy the annual changing of the leaves from green to gold – we are so lucky to experience it here in New England.
Kim McNally
Closed for Columbus Day
Monday, October 9
The library will be closed for Columbus Day. We’ll reopen on Tuesday.
Closed for Staff Training
Tuesday, October 24
The library will be closed for a day of staff training, where we will learn how to better support our community. We’ll reopen on Wednesday.
Check out the Events Page to see upcoming events!