
Your Berlin-Peck Memorial Library card gives you access to RBdigital (formerly OneClickDigital and Zinio) ebooks, audiobooks, and magazines. Read and listen on your computer, or download right to your smartphone/tablet! Items are returned automatically, so there are never any fines or late fees.

All Internet Browsers — eBooks/Audiobooks
All Internet Browsers — Magazines



Supported Devices

All internet browsers
Apple iOS (iPhone/iPad)
Android (smartphones/tablets)
Amazon Kindle Fire


NO fees or fines (ever!)
3 week ebook loan period
No monthly borrowing limit
Keep magazines as long as you’d like


Visit the RBdigital Help Pages for ebooks/audiobooks or magazines for frequently asked questions, detailed instructions, and videos.

Signing up

Before using the RBdigital app, you will need to set up your ebooks/audiobook or magazine account(s) online.

Switching between accounts

Because RBdigital has separate accounts for ebook/audio and magazines, you will need to switch between accounts to access different materials in the mobile app.

  1. Tap the left menu button
  2. Tap Your Profiles
  3. For ebooks/audio, choose Berlin Peck Library
  4. For magazines, choose Zinio for Libraries Value Collection

Using the RBdigital app

Still have questions? Schedule a [caldera_form_modal id=”CF59de65fe4d709″]Book a Librarian[/caldera_form_modal] appointment or give us a call at 860-828-7126.