Garden Kit: Fig Cuttings

Sunday, January 1 – Tuesday, February 28, 2023
Start your own fig tree from a cutting.

January 1, 2023

Events > Garden Kit: Fig Cuttings

Event Information


Sunday, January 1
to Tuesday, February 28
iCal / Google Calendar


Berlin-Peck Memorial Library
234 Kensington Road
Berlin, CT

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    Start your own fig tree from a cutting!

    Figs are a small, sweet, edible fruit. Fig trees and shrubs have been cultivated since ancient times and is now widely grown throughout the world, both for fruit and as an ornamental plant.

    Along with the fig cuttings, the instructions will help your figs have a high success rate. No pre-washing, mold control, shuffling, potting up, root formation monitoring, or babying the cuttings required. You can use readily available inexpensive supplies like potting mix, containers, and shop lights.

    While supplies last. Registration opens on December 27. Once you’ve placed a hold, kits will be available for pickup starting Wednesday, January 4.

    Included in Kit

    • Fig cutting
    • Instruction guide
    • 1″ Parafilm (while supplies last)

    Additional Supplies Needed

    • 1/2 to 1-gallon pot
    • Lightweight potting or rooting mix

    Choose Your Variety

    There are three fig varieties available this year!

    Choices are first come, first served, when you pick up your kit at the library.



    33 cuttings

    ‘Olympian’ deserves a gold medal for its larger-than-life harvest of big, really big, tangerine-big, purple-skinned fruit loaded with the sweetest red-purple flesh. Cold-hardy trees are especially well-suited for the Northwest’s cool summers and short season; tolerating temperatures in the teens, and, once established, are hardy at 0°F—returning the next season, and yielding a fresh crop of nectarous fruits in May. Suited for warmer climates as well, ‘Olympian’ is largely drought-resistant but may require an occasional watering in an extended dry period.

    Description from Burpee

    Brown Turkey Tucuman

    Brown Turkey Fig

    79 cuttings

    An attractive deciduous tree with an intriguing winter silhouette. Produces very tasty, brownish purple fruit in late spring and again in late summer. Highly adaptable, and often root hardy and prolific in zones 5 and 6 if planted in a sheltered location. A beautiful specimen for garden or landscape, requiring only light annual pruning.

    Description from Monrovia

    Image from Javier martin, CC BY-SA 4.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons

    Figues Goutte d'Or

    White Marseille

    100 cuttings

    It was Thomas Jefferson—Founding Father, president, farmer and horticulturalist—who introduced ‘White Marseilles’, his favorite fig, to this still-grateful nation. ‘White Marseilles’ he wrote, is “unquestionably superior to any fig I have ever seen.” We quite agree. Native to southern France, in late July, the lovely trees produce a great big harvest of greenish-yellow fruit packed with sweetly delicious pale-yellow flesh. Super-productive trees are well suited to the Northeast and Northwest.

    Description from Burpee

    Image from Marianne Casamance, CC BY-SA 4.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons


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    The Berlin-Peck Memorial Library, as a public place, reserves the right to photograph and record groups and individuals using library services and attending library programs, and to publish those photographs and videos publicly in its newsletter and on social media outlets. Please contact 860-828-7125 with questions.

    Accommodations Statement

    If you require special accommodation for any library sponsored event, please call 860-828-7125 or email at least ten (10) days prior to the event.

    Files to download for this event

    Fig Propagation
    Instructions for potting and growing your fig cutting.