Liberating Latin American Genre Fiction: In Conversation with Author Silvia Moreno-Garcia

Wednesday, October 9 — 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm
Join Moreno-Garcia to chat about Latin American Genre fiction, her writing process and journey, and her newest book.

October 9, 2024

Events > Liberating Latin American Genre Fiction: In Conversation with Author Silvia Moreno-Garcia

Event Information


Wednesday, October 9
7:00 pm to 8:00 pm
iCal / Google Calendar

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    You’re invited to free your mind with the highly acclaimed Silvia Moreno-Garcia, New York Times bestselling and award-winning author of several novels including Mexican Gothic, The Daughter of Doctor Moreau, Gods of Jade and Shadow, and many more!

    Join us as Moreno-Garcia chats with us about Latin American Genre fiction, her writing process and journey, as well as her newest book The Seventh Veil of Salome.

    Register today and submit your questions!

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    Limited “Watch at the Library” Option
    You may arrange to watch this program at the library. However, the library closes at 8:00 pm, so you may miss the end of the program. 


    About the Book

    Moreno-Garcia’s most recent novel, The Seventh Veil of Salome, is set in 1950s Hollywood. Vera Larios, an unknown Mexican ingénue, has just won a star-making role in a big budget movie about the legendary woman whose story has inspired artists since ancient times–Salome. Vera quickly becomes the talk of the town and an object of envy for Nancy Hartley, an actress whose career has stalled and who will do anything to win the fame she believes she richly deserves.

    The Seventh Veil of Salome follows two actresses, both determined to make it to the top in Golden Age Hollywood—a city overflowing with gossip, scandal, and intrigue—makes for a sizzling combination. But this is the tale of three women, for it is also the story of the princess Salome herself, consumed with desire for the fiery prophet who foretells the doom of her stepfather, Herod. Salome is a woman torn between the decree of duty and the yearning of her heart. Before the curtain comes down, there will be tears and tragedy aplenty in this sexy Technicolor saga.


    About the Author

    Silvia Moreno-Garcia is the author of a number of critically acclaimed novels, including Gods of Jade and Shadow (Sunburst Award for Excellence in Canadian Literature of the Fantastic, Ignyte Award), Mexican Gothic (Locus Award, British Fantasy Award, Pacific Northwest Book Award, Aurora Award, Goodreads Award), Velvet Was the Night (finalist for the Los Angeles Times Book Prize and the Macavity Award), The Daughter of Doctor Moreau, and The Seventh Veil of Salome. She writes in a variety of genres including fantasy, horror, noir and historical.

    Mexican by birth, Canadian by inclination. Cachanilla and Canuck, originally from Baja California, she now resides in Vancouver. She has an MA in Science and Technology Studies from the University of British Columbia.7p



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