Photo Scanner
Scan photos, slides, and film negatives with the library's high quality scanner!
Epson Perfection V600
The Epson Perfection V600 Photo delivers outstanding quality scans from photos, film, slides and everyday documents. This high performance scanner ensures precision film scanning for sharp, vivid reproductions. Featuring DIGITAL ICE® for both film and prints, one-touch color restoration and ArcSoft PhotoStudio, this scanner provides a complete photo restoration solution.
- Scan photos, slides, and film negatives
- Scan film up to 6400 x 9600 dpi for enlargements up to 17″ x 22″
- DIGITAL ICE option reduces the appearance of dust, scratches, tears, and creases
- Scan multiple photos at once.
Using the Scanner
The Digital Media Lab computer, including the photo scanner and video converter, is available by reservation. Additional time is available for people using this computer for scanning/converting projects.
A Reference Librarian will be available to get you started and answer questions. The equipment for scanning film, slides, and negatives is held at the Reference Desk. Please ask a librarian for assistance.