Let’s Be Friends!

National Friends of Libraries Week is October 15-21! 

October 15, 2023

National Friends of Libraries Week—October 15-21

The Friends of the Berlin-Peck Memorial Library is a group of volunteers who advocate and fundraise for the library.

Your membership helps the Friends:

  • Sponsor Free-To-The Public Programs for Kids, Teens, and Adults
  • Purchase Museum Passes
  • Provide items for the Library not in its budget


Become a Friend

Become a Friends’ member for as little as $5 a year. The Friends are a 501(c)(3). All donations are tax deductible.

Pick up a membership form at the library or in the book sale. You can also print your own: Friends Membership Form (PDF).

Want more info? Contact the Friends at friendsbpml@libraryconnection.info or through our Facebook page (friend us!).

Thank you to all our members and book sale patrons for their continued support!