Library Policies

Library Board policy as of March 14, 1990. Revised November 13, 1991; April 7, 1993; February 8, 1995; February 14, 2001; January 13, 2016..

Policies > Gifts

Gifts of books, other useful materials, and contributions from individuals or groups, which help the library serve the informational, educational, recreational, and cultural needs of the town may be accepted provided that the following conditions are met:

  1. Unconditional ownership of the gift is vested in the library.
  2. The library makes the final decision on acceptance of any gifts, with the understanding that they may be sold, given away, or otherwise disposed of.
  3. The library decides the conditions of display, housing, and access to any gifts.
  4. The library applies the same selection standards to gifts, which govern material selection.
  5. Particular attention must be given to the physical condition of the gift.
  6. If the library is offered items, other than books, the library will consider the following:
    • Is the gift appropriate for a public library?
    • Will the gift benefit the library and the community?
    • Is there space in the library to accommodate it?
    • Is there maintenance involved? If so, how will it be funded?
    • Does receipt of the gift in anyway conflict with the Town’s purchasing policies?
    • The Library may use a consultant for expert guidance, if necessary.
    • Does the item promote an individual or organization providing unfair advertising or artistic license?
  7. The Library actively seeks funds to purchase materials and equipment.
  8. The Library will accept gifts of money in memory or in tribute to an individual. Gift plates may be included.
  9. The library does not appraise gifts for tax purposes, but will give a letter stating that an item or items were given.
  10. Decisions on the acceptance of special gifts may be referred to the Library Board.