Strategic Plan

Stay up-to-date on Berlin-Peck Memorial Library's strategic planning.

Press Release

The Berlin-Peck Memorial Library leadership seeks community input from October 10–30, 2023 to develop a three-year strategic plan for library services. All information will be kept confidential. Community members can participate in one of three ways:

“Our library belongs to the residents of Berlin and community input is vital in shaping our programs and services over the next three years,” said Kimberly McNally, Library Director. “We invite all members of our community, those who come to the library every day, those who have not stepped foot in our building yet, and those who access our library services strictly online to share your thoughts on how we can best serve you.”

Library leadership is seeking information about its collection, programs, services, and outreach and they are also hoping to learn more about the community’s hopes and dreams. Anne Henriques, a member of the strategic planning team and Reference Librarian, explains, “This is an opportunity to think big. All ideas will be considered even if we may not be able to implement everything. Libraries aren’t what they used to be.”

The Berlin-Peck Memorial Library is conducting this strategic planning as part of a cohort of seven libraries around the state of Connecticut who are developing strategic plans over the next three months. Library leadership plans to unveil the strategic plan in early 2024.


Community Conversations

How can we support our local businesses, job seekers, technology learners? What more can we do for our kids, their grownups, and you?

We invite you to tell us!

This Community Conversation is an opportunity for our community to participate and provide ideas and feedback on the library. The conversation will be held twice so that more people are able to attend.

Please register to attend one of the two conversations:


Community Survey

Let us know what you think! The community survey will be available on this page on October 10–30.

To stay up-to-date with library news and events—and be notified when the survey opens—sign up for our monthly adult newsletter!