Volunteer Opportunities

Want to help your community, but don’t know how? Volunteer @ the Library!

Volunteering at the library is a great way to get experience that looks good on a college application or resume! If your school or club requires community service hours, volunteering at the Library could help you meet your goals. It’s also a great way to help your community, meet people, and have input into our Teen collections and programs! We are no longer accepting applications for Summer 2024. 

What do volunteers do at the Library?

  • Volunteer responsibilities may include, but are not limited to:
    • Setting up and Cleaning Up after Library Programs
    • Assisting with Children’s Programming
    • Creating and Replenishing Book Displays
    • Creating Posters and Flyers
    • Cleaning Books & Toys
    • Straightening and Dusting Shelves
    • Shelf-Reading Library Materials
    • Staffing the Summer Reading Table: Managing Sign-Ups and Organizing Materials.
    • Distributing Summer Reading Prizes

What you need to know

  • To volunteer, you must be in or entering grades 7-12.
  • You need to be dependable and show up for your shifts. Make sure you have a ride worked out!
  • Ask your parent or guardian for permission.


Please read our Teen Volunteer Policy.  Our application can be found HERE. Thank you!