Courageous Conversations

Join us to discuss important issues in a safe environment where differing opinions, patient listening, and respectful discussion are welcome.

Have you ever wondered how someone on the other side of the political fence could possibly have the opinions they do?

Have you avoided talking to friends or family members because you know you disagree with them about religion?

Are you interested in understanding others more, especially people who disagree with you?

Courageous Conversations is a small-group discussion series that will provide an opportunity for people of all backgrounds and viewpoints to discuss important local, cultural, social, and political issues in a safe environment where differing opinions, patient listening, and respectful discussion are welcomed as a necessary part of building connection with others and identifying shared values. Participants may be asked to read short articles, books, or listen to podcasts prior to the meetings and will be asked to abide by our shared discussion guidelines.

Library staff will facilitate the conversations and ensure that all participants have the opportunity to share in the discussion.


Upcoming Conversations

Click through to see what we’ll be discussing this month.



Courageous Conversations Agreements


Engage to Understand

The goal in dialogue is to understand others more fully and to make connections with others. Come with an open mind and a willingness to hear others’ experiences and opinions. It is not our goal to reach an agreement, and that’s okay!


Listen to Learn

Devote your full attention to the speaker. Set judgment aside, don’t interrupt, and listen to learn something new rather than thinking of how you want to respond. Look for areas of agreement or shared values; you may be surprised how much you have in common.


Embrace Vulnerability and Speak Your Truth

We all feel vulnerable when sharing personal opinions that others may not accept. Share what’s important to you and speak from your experience. Appreciate others who are doing the same.


There’s More Than One Answer

We will choose to recognize each other’s worth and value even when we disagree in our opinions. Ask questions to learn about alternate points of view, experiences and cultures. No one has all the answers. Avoid generalizations, exaggerations, assumptions, and all or nothing statements.


Tone Matters

Tone of voice and body language communicate attitudes we may not say in words. Make sure your non-verbal communication lets others know you want to listen to what they have to say.



Past Conversations

Click through to see information about our previous conversation topics.

Courageous Conversations: Listening Workshop

Courageous Conversations: Listening Workshop

Saturday, May 11
10:30 am to 11:30 am
Learn valuable listening skills and increase empathy and understanding through practice.
Courageous Conversations: Immigration

Courageous Conversations: Immigration

Thursday, April 18
6:30 pm to 7:30 pm
Join us for an open, respectful discussion of immigration.
Courageous Conversations: Let's Talk Race

Courageous Conversations: Let's Talk Race

Saturday, March 23
10:30 am to 12:00 pm
Join the Berlin Equity Action Team for a conversation about racism, white privilege, prejudice and bias.
Courageous Conversations Book Club

Courageous Conversations Book Club

Saturday, February 24
10:30 am to 12:00 pm
Join us to discuss "I Never Thought of It That Way" by Mónica Guzmán.
Courageous Conversations Book Club

Courageous Conversations Book Club

Thursday, February 22
6:30 pm to 8:00 pm
Join us to discuss "I Never Thought of It That Way" by Mónica Guzmán.
Courageous Conversations: Social Media & Mental Health

Courageous Conversations: Social Media & Mental Health

Saturday, September 9
10:30 am to 12:00 pm
Join us to discuss the effect of social media on mental health.
Courageous Conversations: Making Ends Meet

Courageous Conversations: Making Ends Meet

Thursday, June 22
6:30 pm to 7:30 pm
How should we spread prosperity and improve opportunity?
Courageous Conversations: Let's Talk (Political) Parties!

Courageous Conversations: Let's Talk (Political) Parties!

Saturday, April 1
10:30 am to 11:30 am
Join us for an open, respectful conversation about political parties.
Courageous Conversations: Book Challenges

Courageous Conversations: Book Challenges

Saturday, March 11
10:30 am to 11:30 am
Join us for an open, respectful conversation about book challenges.
Courageous Conversations: Tips and Tricks

Courageous Conversations: Tips and Tricks

Thursday, March 2
6:30 pm to 7:30 pm
Learn when to engage in conversation, how to keep things respectful, and why it matters.
Courageous Conversations: Mental Health

Courageous Conversations: Mental Health

Saturday, November 12
10:30 am to 11:30 am
Join us for an open, respectful discussion of mental health. All backgrounds and viewpoints are welcome in the discussion. Each participant is asked to read this month's articles on the topic prior to the discussion.
Courageous Conversations: Prisons

Courageous Conversations: Prisons

Saturday, October 22
10:30 am to 11:30 am
Join us for an open, respectful discussion of prisons. All backgrounds and viewpoints are welcome in the discussion. Each participant is asked to read this month's articles on the topic prior to the discussion.
Courageous Conversations: Abortion—Getting Beyond the Labels

Courageous Conversations: Abortion—Getting Beyond the Labels

Saturday, September 10
10:30 am to 11:30 am
Join us for an open, respectful discussion of abortion. All backgrounds and viewpoints are welcome in the discussion. Each participant is asked to read this month's articles on the topic prior to the discussion.
Courageous Conversations: One-on-One

Courageous Conversations: One-on-One

Thursday, August 11
Discuss important social issues with your political opposite in this facilitated one-on-one session of Courageous Conversations, where respectful, open talking and listening about important topics are taught through practice.
Courageous Conversations: Voting & Elections

Courageous Conversations: Voting & Elections

Saturday, June 4
10:30 am to 11:30 am
Join us for an open, respectful discussion of voting and elections in America. All backgrounds and viewpoints are welcome in the discussion. Each participant is asked to read this month's articles on the topic prior to the discussion.
Courageous Conversations: Gun Policy

Courageous Conversations: Gun Policy

Saturday, April 23
10:30 am to 11:30 am
Join us for an open, respectful conversation about Gun Policy. All backgrounds and viewpoints are welcome in the discussion. Each participant is asked to read this month's articles on the topic prior to the discussion.
Courageous Conversations: Social Safety Nets

Courageous Conversations: Social Safety Nets

Saturday, March 19
10:30 am to 11:30 am
Join us for an open, respectful conversation about Social Safety Nets. All backgrounds and viewpoints are welcome in the discussion. Each participant is asked to read this month's articles on the topic prior to the discussion.
Courageous Conversations: Health Care

Courageous Conversations: Health Care

Saturday, February 26
10:30 am to 11:30 am
Join us for an open, respectful conversation about Health Care. All backgrounds and viewpoints are welcome in the discussion. Each participant is asked to read this month's article on the topic prior to the discussion.
Courageous Conversations

Courageous Conversations

Saturday, January 29
10:30 am to 11:30 am
Join us to discuss important issues in a safe environment where differing opinions, patient listening, and respectful discussion are welcome.