Poetry Contest

Monday, April 1 – Tuesday, April 30, 2024
April is National Poetry Month! Celebrate by creating a poem for our Poetry Contest.

April 1, 2024

Events > Poetry Contest

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Monday, April 1
to Tuesday, April 30
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    Read the poems below, then vote for your favorite!

    Eclipse of the Heart

    There are days in shadow,
    there are days in light,
    there are nights in shadow,
    there are nights in light.
    Just like an eclipse
    you come and go
    like a fading light,
    like music, high and low.
    You leave traces in my heart,
    either if you are here
    or if we are apart.
    But tonight please fire up the stars for me
    let’s walk together beside the sea,
    let’s dance a waltz under the moon
    and feel the summer breeze of June.


    A storyteller sat in the corner of the room. Of olde fashion vintage; this i did assume. Soon it got quiet and the light seemed to change. For some reason we stayed and heard a story strange:
    “Let me tell you a tale not in a book. Caught me by surprise, i had a second look. i came upon this grove of evergreen tree. One for each direction this i did see.i felt a beckoning;almost as i had no choice. Then i felt it-could it be-Mother Nature’s Voice? Difficult to describe,the gentle force was strong. All i wanted was to stay and Linger Long…….

    I’m Looking for a Smaller God

    Deep in the forest, there’s a god of lost things
    A god of curious footprints
    A god missing most of its buttons

    In the ditch, there’s a god
    who crashed into a ditch

    A god of spiders
    A god who eats spiders

    Deep in the forest
    down by the pond
    there’s a god who plays the harmonica


    A new beginner to the Gardening World
    Felt the freedom like a flag unfurled
    Native flora and so many vegetables too
    Thought Nu-Be plant them together I shall do
    Compost to the soil best wishes to all
    Water when dry; let them grow tall
    The Garden Party excelled and the uninvited guest?
    Weeds were escorted to the compost to rest
    From a few seeds how those new plants did grow
    Especially pumpkins; more than Nu-Be could know
    All the little green orbs expanded with each day
    Coloring up orange so perfect in every way
    Nu-Be discovered more than beauty at the sight
    Pumpkins are such a nutritional culinary delight
    Breads, pies,and soups: try a thick stew
    Oh how Gardens are Great-who knew?
    Thought Nu-Be I can eat vegetables from a can
    Yet growing is better than I could plan.


    Grand Mother are you trying to make plants grow?
    Watching from a distance the Child wanted to know
    The Wise Woman responded YES a Garden for Earth
    With our flowers a bit of magik and whimsy for mirth
    Wide-eyed the wondering youth did not understand
    GrandMother expected this; beckoned with gnarled hand
    Using plants this Garden will honor Day and Night skies
    And attract the birds, bees, moths and butterflies
    Instructing thus her small apprentice with each seed
    A new bond formed; they giggled with the flowers indeed
    Beginning with the Stars color of Alyssum so white
    And the darkest purple Pansy to represent the Night
    Into shadows Galax whose flowers are the Milky Way
    In full sun Hemerocallis beauty for just a day
    On the fence give space for mystical Moonflower vine
    Here now Aster whose name A STAR is so devine
    Sunflowers of course we must plant plenty of these
    Everyone loves them including the birds and bees
    So my Grandchild’s Child do you now understand?
    The smiling young Gardener nodded; held the gnarled hand


    There – over There
    In the Ethereal Mist
    Color of Evening Iris
    A Glimpse- just a Glimpse
    Of a Twinkling Light
    Spiraling – Slowly Spiraling
    Upward toward my
    Direction of amazement
    Here-Over Here
    In the Ethereal Mist
    Color of Evening Iris
    With me- just with me
    Small Twinkling Light
    Floating-Now Floating
    Gently suspended inches
    Beyond my amazement
    Here-Over Here
    In the Ethereal Mist
    Color of Evening Iris
    With me-just with me
    A pic of the Selfie
    Floating-now Floating
    Reflected in My Iris
    With Amazement
    Gone- now Gone
    In the Ethereal Mist

    The sky is blue

    The sky is blue
    How it makes me think of you
    Breath me in, so bright

    here to lay beside you

    as always,

    i hear jean-benoît in my ear whispering “my baby blue is a new star in the sky”
    and i’m sat here dreaming of a kinder turn of events.

    two years ago i bought a ring with your birthday on it something small, my first paycheck.
    little keepsake of saudade

    i wear that ring like it’s something sacred, like a constant memory
    despite emerald stains on my finger, it’s kept there safe like a tattoo.

    feels like i’m writing a neverending postcard, like you’ll be back soon
    if i close my eyes and i’m dreaming it’s all messed up when i wake

    what i’ll do when “do make sure to feel better soon” doesn’t work and
    anything more overwhelms me

    when it feels like i’m picking at wounds
    like first graders bite their fingernails

    and when the memory of an unknown grazes against my heart
    like a newborn’s hand wrapped around a finger

    unfinished sonnets whispered through a microphone
    at 2:34am you make your way home i know

    but now it’s pouring out and i’m still angry
    and not at you, never at you

    angels come to me whispering three syllables but
    wish-me-wells do nothing in the end

    you weigh down on my shoulders like i’m halfway through a night shift
    and i don’t mind because i couldn’t wish for anything else

    my sight for sore eyes i always get scared that
    you’re up there all alone

    so please, when the clouds fall asleep and it’s dim and lonely
    pretend i’m here singing you lullabies

    like “i need you.”


    Teeth of Hurricane.
    Claws of drought.
    Tongues of wildfires.
    Shakes of flood.
    We love our earth as the flea
    loves his cat.


    The murre does not fear its dive,
    nor the rock its tumble into lava pooled.
    The bee does not fear its fatal sting,
    nor the cheetah its legs will tangle beneath it.
    The oak does not fear the shedding of leaves
    as approaching winter calls.
    It’s us alone who bear the knowledge,
    A creative mind, our greatest downfall.


    “The end is nigh!” he warns
    to those he passes by,
    heart beating in rapid anxiety.
    The critical stares and derision mean nothing,
    they will get theirs, he will kill if necessary.

    The sun burns golden in the sky,
    they allow it to saturate their bodies.
    They shake and dance in adoration.
    He dips into shadows,
    makes sure he is not followed.

    No one even turns their head, spring babes, all.
    Soon he is back below the ground,
    calculating how long he can survive alone.
    He takes inventory, organizing endlessly,
    ticking every box.

    When the first cool breeze shivers the trees,
    he gluts himself in self-congratulatory celebration.
    He fills every cell with calories and protein.
    Then, ever the master of industry,
    he rolls another acorn down the hole.

    He will emerge into Spring fat.


    We talked about the new show we both loved
    because no one wants to talk about real things
    when they have been given only months to live.
    You mentioned another season, forgetting
    for a moment
    that you wouldn’t be here next Fall.
    Hope flexing familiar,
    a phantom limb.

    Useless plans of the future
    scattered when you left,
    not young but still too young,
    this earth.
    You never found out who the killer was and
    I had no appetite for season two.
    How we entertain ourselves,
    How we entertain ourselves.

    Prayer of the Petty

    I hope you get hiccups when it’s your turn to speak,
    and the printer runs out of ink on the last page,
    and sometimes you just can’t sneeze,
    and your necklace won’t clasp.
    I hope that you bring an umbrella but it doesn’t rain
    and your grocery store rearranges its floor plan.
    I hope your parmesan clumps, and your kitty litter doesn’t.

    Forgive me, but you know not how you awaken
    my little mean streak!
    In your presence my heart gallops,
    and my cheeks bloom with hellfire,
    and I fill my lungs with air to keep from screaming.
    I hope you get everything in life you desire
    and every inconvenience you deserve.

    I hope that you never see the smile I conceal
    when the stapler etches empty depressions
    on your loose pages
    or you can’t find your keys
    or your pocket gets stuck on the drawer pull…

    …but I kinda hope you do.

    Stand Tall

    Let insecurities die.
    Burdens go,
    Let love in,
    Let’s start the show!
    Stand tall,
    Give it your all,
    Chase lightening,
    Choose love once and for all,
    When we were born,
    Such brilliant innocence,
    Let’s have that back,
    Wild brilliance,
    No scars,no fears,
    Don’t hold back,
    Like when you were a kid,
    Run wild, run fast.


    Silent rivers flow between us
    I feel them when we speak
    Our words are mist and shadows,
    That swirl and lap against our feet –
    They break the silence
    But no more,
    It is our hearts that carry substance,
    Thoughts and feelings
    Weighted with intention
    Cast like sinkers from the shore,
    When they touch depth
    We edge away
    And laugh like thirsty children
    In some silly, awkward game,
    Desperate for the quenching,
    Never daring to dive in,
    Wondering all the while
    If the rivers will carry us to safety
    Once we find the taste is sweet
    Where the currents merge and spin.


    I have been here before,
    This place on the stair,
    There’s a break and a window
    And a time to be still,
    To wait and be waiting
    For something unknown,
    To lean into nothing
    And find myself wanting
    A long moment alone –
    No music, no laughter,
    No talking, no tears
    Just silence and shadows
    And the warmth of the sun
    That comes streaming through glass,
    Fusing dust in the air,
    Suspended but dancing
    And lit from within –
    This is the moment that lasts
    All forever,
    A halo of light
    Holds me captive
    And free
    From all that eludes me
    And all that has been
    While I sleep without sleeping
    And savor the taste
    Of time on my tongue,
    I am ancient and ageless
    Neither past, nor the future,
    I am all things and one
    While I sit on the stair.


    Shadow now befall us
    Silver in the snow,
    You and I are parting love,
    Where is it we must go?
    The tapestry is turning
    Strands of silken thread,
    Figures in the distance
    Weave visions in my head,
    Where was our beginning?
    Where then do we end?
    The winter light deceives us,
    Beams are broken into patterns,
    The clarity must bend
    And I must gaze
    Not into crystal
    But through broken glass


    The emperor has eyes
    As bold as the ball of fire
    That spins in the barren skies
    Of his kingdom in winter,
    We are all his subjects,
    Rebellious, wayward kin,
    Scattered far beyond the confines
    Of his forest
    Searching for that which
    Only draws us back again
    To the power of his gaze,
    There is magic in his eye –
    He has seen a queen of heaven
    Who came to him one day
    When pieces of her heart
    Fell instead of snow
    And now lie burning still
    In the vastness of his wood,
    I am a sentry of stealth
    He told her,
    I shall guard your secrets
    And you shall have my soul
    When my children take my body
    To sever wisdom from my tail
    And gain courage from the fight
    That they might know
    What makes me king
    And in doing so, forget
    That which keeps them children
    Still fearful in the night.


    Wake me when the stars come out
    When the wind has turned
    And the air grows cold,
    When summer’s light has faded
    And flame is on the trees,
    Take me where the golden moon
    Hangs heavy on the sky,
    Where amber mum and marigold
    Lend fragrant spice
    To frosty evening dew,
    Where blackbirds rise like eagles
    And call out in the night,
    Here, all the gifts of autumn
    Are summoned by the sound
    And I myself am haunted
    By the power of this night,
    For I know that in a moment
    The fire must turn to ashes,
    The blaze of color die
    And my heart be left with longing
    For the gilded majesty of autumn
    In the silence
    And the shadows
    Of a grey December sky.


    Lately you have broken
    Into pieces in my mind,
    Each fragment is a moment,
    Neither bitter, nor sublime,
    Just the flavor of a memory
    That passes by unseen
    In the shifting light of day,
    The whole of you is fading
    Into shadow
    In the sun,
    Only bits of you remain
    Lodged in hidden places
    In my corners or
    Asleep in scattered memories
    Washing over me
    Like rain
    When I am caught in sudden downpours,
    The kind you can expect
    But never plan for
    In the seasons
    Of the self
    When flowers come in winter
    And snowflakes in July,
    These are things that melf
    Or quickly bloom
    Then die,
    And so it is with you –
    So, I must close the circle
    Of ourselves and
    This is how I say good-bye,
    Gently crushing what I knew
    Tasting pieces that dissolve
    As they go floating through me, and
    Letting some still linger,
    The ones that do no harm
    They will leave me too
    In time,
    Now that the whole of you
    Is gone,
    And I may come to find
    The sweetness I once held
    Was only bits of broken candy
    That left flecks of sugar
    In my palm.


    This broken road has taken me
    Beyond the point of reason
    And past the realm of dream,
    I barely touch these stones
    But my soles are sinking deeply
    Into a vision drawn for me,
    It is an eye within an eye
    That enables me to see
    Much more than I am seeing
    And a thought within a thought
    That leads to simple things
    Much kinder and more sacred
    Than I have ever known,
    Such in my remembrance –
    This place is more than ruin
    This land still speaks of home,
    She is dipped in golden sunlight
    Where blue sky touches sea
    Her stars cascade on moonlight,
    Like diamonds crushed on sapphire
    Still gleaming over me,
    Her torches turn
    Like lamplights in the desert
    And light my path as I go walking
    To the mountains and to caves,
    There is music in the sky
    And voices in the air,
    Hushed tones blend together
    To invoke a hallowed evening
    With ancient chanted prayer
    I am a ghostly traveler here,
    But more solid than I seem,
    What place is this?
    What time?
    And why do I recall
    With such clarity and light
    The warmth of sand beneath my feet
    And the luminescence
    Of the night?


    A prism on the beach
    Making rainbows in the sand,
    And starfish in the sea
    Reaching with each hand
    To catch the falling sunlight
    Sifting through the waves,
    Empty shells and strings of weed
    Draped like beaded lace upon the rocks,
    A lonely gull whose footprints fade
    As the water creeps behind him
    Where he walks.


    I can walk no further
    Than the pine tree on the hill
    Where is the earth is soft and dark
    And the gentle breeze is still
    Filled with the memory
    Of some place I once knew,
    Oil of bitter orange,
    Lingers on the air
    And somehow
    Finds sweet cinnamon
    And a glistening swirl of brandy,
    Very old and much too rare
    To make much sense upon my tongue,
    But, I gladly drink it
    To savor the burning like wine,
    That warms me and fills me
    With flames of distant fire
    Do I think sunshine
    Or dark winter
    And castle in the wood?
    Worn books bound in leather,
    Walls of deep mahogany and
    Riding boots
    Stained cordovan and oxblood,
    Firelight flashes through the trees –
    Am I in a misty forest
    Or a citrus grove at sunset,
    Having lost myself i
    In a gentle whirl of lace
    And castanets,
    Lulled by warmth and love songs
    From the chords of a guitar,
    Now I am confused,
    The images are fading and
    I stand alone
    Beneath a single pine tree
    And an early evening star,
    Not knowing where I’ve been or why,
    Sensing only distant memories
    Inspired by haunting words and music
    And a fading summer sky.


    I have not met them yet, but
    I left my children sleeping
    Safe in dreams,
    Wrapped in gentle summer breezes
    And all the wild imaginings
    Of childhood’s simple grace,
    I heard the garden beckon them
    With phlox and misty moonlight,
    With lavender and yarrow
    And a hundred firefly angels
    That dance about this place, but
    I let my children sleep
    And came here in their stead
    I stood a moment by the lilies
    And then knelt to lay my head
    Upon the summer grass
    To hear the joyful murmurs
    In the silence of the night
    When all the worlds of dreamers
    Come lighting tapers in the sky,
    I lie still and voiceless, a dreamer now, myself
    But I have been the wind,
    I have touched the burning stars
    And felt the empty places in my heart
    On fire
    For such a night as this,
    It is their warmth that brings me here,
    Their heat that binds my soul
    When I have been fragmented and torn myself apart
    In searching for the whole
    Of who I am,
    I left my children sleeping
    To ponder on these things,
    That I might gift them with the widsom
    These midnight rovings bring,
    My heart aches to protect them,
    To nurture and delight,
    Shield them from the darkness
    And ease them into life,
    But, softly, stars are whispering
    They will be no more mine
    Than I am theirs,
    Only shaken from the heavens
    To rest a moment in my care
    And so, I wander in my dreams
    With flowers in my hand
    While I murmur lullabies and lovesongs,
    Then bend to kiss them on the cheek
    And sprinkle starlight
    In their hair.

    See you next year!

    The 2024 contest is over. We’ll see you next year 🙂

    Looking for a more recent contest? Check out our contests page!


    Stretch those creative muscles and express yourself with a poem!

    This contest is an opportunity to explore the power of words and emotions. Whether you’re an experienced poet or a newcomer to the art, we can’t wait to read your beautiful and unique poems that capture the essence of life, love, nature, and more.

    We invite you to create and share a short poem. All forms of poetry are accepted, including erasure/blackout poetry uploaded as an image. You can enter as many poems as you like, as long as each one is original and, simply for the sake of space, less than 300 characters. If you enter multiple poems, please refresh the page and enter them separately.

    How to Write a Poem, Step-by-Step by Writers.com

    How to Write a Poem: A Step-by-Step Guide by Grammarly

    For more inspiration, check out our previous years: 2022



    Compose an original poem.

    Submission deadline is April 30.

    The winner will be announced May 7.

    1. Participants must have a library card.
    2. Ages 14 through adult can participate.
    3. Entries must be submitted by the deadline of April 30.
    4. Submissions will be judged by a blind review panel.
    5. Participants may submit multiple entries but can only win one prize.
    6. Submissions must be a maximum of 300 characters. The character limit does not apply to characters that may be in the background of erasure/blackout poems.
    7. Subject matter must be appropriate for display in the Library and on Library social media. We will reach out to you if there are any concerns.



    Every participant will receive a custom bookmark with their best poem illustrated with a photo or artwork. Multiple entries are allowed, but each participant will receive one bookmark.

    The winner will be announced on May 7.




    Online registration is not currently available. Please contact the library with any questions.

    Photo and Video Disclaimer

    The Berlin-Peck Memorial Library, as a public place, reserves the right to photograph and record groups and individuals using library services and attending library programs, and to publish those photographs and videos publicly in its newsletter and on social media outlets. Please contact 860-828-7125 with questions.

    Accommodations Statement

    If you require special accommodation for any library sponsored event, please call 860-828-7125 or email library@berlinpeck.org at least ten (10) days prior to the event.